Has anybody find it difficult to promote OT? that may be because people(OT's) are afraid to use "Occupations" when they are promoting or explaining OT to MDT or to clients. Everybody explains it in their own way and they are forgetting the essence and the main core and most simple word....Occupation!!! It is what sets us apart so we have to market it. we should use it in our day to day language as professionals. People always say " ordinary people will not understand it if we use Occupation so let us not use it and use something else." well excuuuuse me. That will be the beginning of the death of the profession. there was an article in the OT news. If I am not mistaken it may be professor Turner( I may be corrected if I am wrong) who, in essence, felt the profession is in its adolescence stage.... a stage of Identity crisis. OT's are not yet proud to shout out " I am an Occupational Therapist and I deal with Human Occupations!!!" do people feel embarassed?
Until we are prepared to commit to promotong "Occupation" in Occupational Therapy, we will all remain to be JUST "Therapist" to the eyes of everybody.