Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Guide to Making OT Student Placement Work

I recently had a student for 7 weeks and her performance was exceptional I was so impressed. If any of the readers are interested, you can try these 'Guide to Making Student Placement Work' (c) 2013 A.M.

1.       Get the Student Comfortable in the place

-          Observe behaviours

-          Get an impression

2.       Give Foundation Knowledge

-          What does OT do?

-          What are the Domains of Concern

o   Occupation

§  Performance area

§  Performance component

§  Performance context

o   Uniform terminology

o   Overview of OT Practice worldwide: defining the competition

o   What are the tools of practice

-          What is the arena of Practice

o   E.g. Secondary care

-          What is the Role of OT in the continuum of care

-          Where is the service in the Continuum of care

-          What is the model of Practice

o   Ecology of human performance

-          What is the Process of Occupational Therapy

-          What are the facets of clinical reasoning

o   Scientific

o   Narrative

o   Ethical

o   Pragmatic

-          What are the parameters of assessment and intervention

o   Value

o   Independence

o   Safety

o   Adequacy/Quality

-          What are the intervention types – learning about the application of intervention method will take the whole of placement time as cases and opportunities vary.

o   Restore

o   Alter

o   Modify

o   Prevent

o   Support

3.       Facilitate interest in knowing the person’s Occupational History

a.       Get student to just interview and know the person

b.      Give task of interviewing the person

c.       Practice until comfort level is reached

4.       Encourage to ask question

a.       Take note of questions and add them to learning objectives

                                                               i.      Document unknowns and make them an objective to be known

5.       Set targets every week depending on the level and capability of the student

a.       Based on assessment skills

b.      Based on intervention skills

c.       Based on treatment planning skills

d.      Based on documentation skills

e.      Based on medical foundation

f.        Based on OT foundation skills

6.       Update learning opportunities as they present themselves

a.       Though in the initial stage of supervision, the student has identified learning outcomes and objectives on their own, I find it that they may usually have difficulty articulating what needed to be learned thus needing assistance and guidance from the educator.  Their learning objectives can be erratic and fragmented that, if followed without flexibility of change, the student may not be able to see the better picture of the process and philosophical foundations of the profession.

7.       Closely monitor performance

a.       Make notes every day

                                                               i.      Note behaviours that are good

                                                             ii.      Identify behaviours that can improve

                                                            iii.      Document experience

b.      Review performance from MDT

c.       Observe from a distance

d.      Collaborate with other team members so that there is continuity of grading

8.       Objectively Assess every week

a.       Use the grading mechanism that the University has provided

b.      Discuss performance and rate performance based on the above

9.       Comply with documentation requirements

10.   End Placement in agreement of experience and learning

a.       Obtain feedback from student

b.      Give recommendations if necessary