There is a problem promoting Occupational therapy. This is because we are dealing with human occupation that is very difficult to label and quantify.
Imagine this situation, if you are an OT and you are asked by a TV advertiser to promote or endorse a product, what product would it be? Though eh? If you have a suggestion, pass it around to colleagues and it will surely stir up conversation.
A basic way of promoting OT is if we OTs talk the same talk. If we use the same words and termonologies in our daily documentation. ( Dont get me started on writing SOAP. We'll get to SOAP eventually.) Today I am just focusing and highlighting OT Uniform Terminologies. Basic. Simple.
Think of these:
Do we use uniform terminologies in our day to day documentation?
Do we use it when discussing cases with MDT?
Which Countries have a set and well defined OT uniform termonology?
Are we mandated to use it or to come up with a list?
Do you think life will be easier if all OTs use the same terminology?
Would it not be easier to talk to other professions about OT if we have the same Lingo? If we all speak as one? If we speak in uniform?
Let's look at ADLs of self maintenance tasks. What does it mean?What does it encompass?
Here's a list of Activities of Daily Living or self maintenance tasks. Hope it helps.
Grooming, Oral Hygiene, Bathing/showering, Toilet hygiene, Personal Device Care, Dressing, Feeding and eating,Medication Routine, Health Maintenence, Sicialisation, Functional Communication, Functional Mobility, Community Mobility, Emergency Response, and sexual expression.
........just a food for thought....just a food for thought.