the basic occupational requirement that a person needed to go home are:
1. he/she should be able to transfer safely from bed to toilet/commode to chair- home can be set up where the chair is close to the bed and commode so walking is not really essential for discharge from hospital. This can be improved by follow up services such as reablement team, intermediate care team or community physios etc.
2. client should have access to toiletting facility - e.g. commode if unable to walk to the toilet safely
3. client should be independent with toilet hygiene - this usually the make or break if a person is going to be independently safe at home. Unless client was incontinent prior to admission. On which case, client only needed to have regualr and frequent checks daily
4. client should have means of nourishment - either carers assist in setting up breakfast or client should have meals on wheels
5. client should'nt have any behaviour that will cause them or anybody at home any harm - this refers to cognition of the client, behaviour of wandering of psychosocial behaviours that could harm themselves or other peple in the house
6. client should have access to a sleeping facility - bed should be brought downstairs if client cannot manage stairs
these are basic requirement and could be made successfull with appropriate support either from family, carers, reablement services, intermediate care, meals on wheels
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