Thursday, April 17, 2014

Suffolk ADL Index

for those of you who are looking for an ADL Outcome Measure.  Have a look at this.  It was made by A. Magpantay in 2012.

Here are some information about it.

1. It measures 9 areas of ADLs compatible with OT uniform terminology and OT practice framework.
2. It uses Baseline Score so every individual would have their individual ceiling of performance and this is where improvements will be based
3. The SADL In Score has very strong positive relationship with Barthel ADL Index. This makes it valid.
4. The performance is expressed and described in percentage compared to baseline score
5. It generates a (PAN) physical assistance need score that can guide a therapist as to how much care support is required at the point of dated assessment.
6. It can easily be communicated to any other team/discipline
7. one can have an overview of performance at a glance
8. it describes level of assistance in terms of moving and handling support the person require

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